
Advance Meter Reading Solution

AmbiPower’s Meter Reading Solutions.

We know that every utility company is different, with unique challenges and workflows. These challenges arise from the geography of the location as well as the demographic of the users. While some utilities send their technicians to read meters some others rely on IoT technologies for reading meter data in near real time.



In conventional metering system to measure electricity consumption the energy provider company hire a person who visit each house and record the reading manually.

Based on the readings recorded by the meter reader the utility issues the bill.

In manual reader human data tampering, recording errors and other challenges are possible.


Challenges with the existing system

Accounts payable cycle is delayed since there is a longer finite time between when the bill was to be generated and when the data was propagated into the Utility’s billing systems.

Limited data is available on the meter display e.g. Data relating to the energy theft or attempted energy theft, maximum demand etc is not available on meter display.

Such data that can become additional revenue generating opportunities for the utilities is sometimes not available on the meter display.

Advance Meter Reading Solution

Traditional utility data recording operations are labour intensive and utilize subjective measurement by field personnel which can have manual reading errors or be tampered with.

The modernization of metering infrastructure allows a utility to monitor the quality of power across substations and accordingly plan to improve the power quality in identified areas, thereby improving customer satisfaction and ensuring the timely payment of bills. It also enables utilities to monitor aggregate technical and commercial (AT&C) losses on a real-time basis.


AmbiPower retrofit module

AmbiPower is an Automatic Meter reader module which communicates with a Utility meter (Water/Gas/Energy) and generates a machine readable file that can be integrated into any Head End System or billing system of choice.

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AmbiPower Utility Data Reader App

The AmbiPower Utility Data Reader App is a mobile phone-based application that can communicate with meters over the meter’s optical port to make the meter reader error-free and efficient.

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AmbiPower’s integrated solutions for metering deployments and reading provide a migration path through Automated Meter Reading (AMR) to complete Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI). They can record power consumption and are powered by two-way communication for better grid visibility.