

Helping utilities minimize losses and improve quality of service

Over the past 60 years or so, India has taken rapid strides in the development of the electricity sector both in terms of enhancing power generation and making power available to widely distributed geographical boundaries. To meet the increasing demand for electricity to fuel the country’s economic growth, significant additions to the installed generating capacity and development of associated transmission and distribution networks are required. However, during the past, the power sector was perceived to be riddled with some fundamental weaknesses, which necessitated initiation of the reform process in the Sector.

The government of India has launched the scheme “Deendayal Upadhyaya Gram Jyoti Yojana” for rural electrification. The erstwhile Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana (RGGVY) scheme for village electrification and providing electricity distribution infrastructure in the rural areas

Ministry of Power has sanctioned 921 projects to electrify 1,21,225 un-electrified villages, intensive electrification of 5,92,979 partially electrified villages, and free electricity connections to 397.45 lakh BPL rural households. On 30th June 2015, works in 1,10,146 un-electrified villages and intensive electrification of 3,20,185 partially electrified villages have been completed, and 220.63 lakh free electricity connections have been released to BPL households.

Under these schemes, the Indian Utilities will face massive challenges of expanding their reach to such villages to manage power distribution and billing efficiently. It will also be upon them to manage their distribution losses and thefts, and they need to do this very efficiently.

Keeping such needs in mind Ambimat Electronics launched the AmbiPower offering to India and the world’s power generation and distribution industry. AmbiPower offers various solutions that simplify meter reading while collecting the data that help utilities improve business efficiency by providing a real-time understanding of energy consumption, thefts, power outages etc.

We aim to empower utilities with our intelligent and customizable metering solutions. We do so by leveraging our deep domain expertise and understanding of the utility value chain. We are committed to design, build and refine our products with the ever-changing need of utilities thus helping utilities manage and run sustainable and high-quality power systems and businesses to unlock the huge potential to serve their customers and thus increase billable opportunities.


Our Mission

Our Mission

A holistic smart grid solution tailored to utilities’ needs and requirements.

Our Vision

Our Vision

AmbiPower is committed to developing solutions that meet the highest security, quality, and environmental sustainability standards.