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Knowledge Base – List of APDU responses

Application protocol data unit (APDU) is a command-response protocol for invoking functions executed on AmbiPay Smart card reader. In essence, the command consists of a 4-byte header followed by up to 255 bytes of data. The response contains a 2-byte header followed by up to 256 bytes of data. The headers and data are specified in a suite of standards from ISO and others. It is possible to develop custom secure elements using Java cards.

AmbiPay, AFC-module, will come with a set of drivers and libraries to interface with it. We will assume that you do not need to build communication with the AmbiPay reader to use it.

The AmbiPay comes with an interface to send APDU commands.

List of APDU responses for EMV processing in AmbiPay, AFC-module, with their description.

SW1 SW2 Info/
6 E Class not supported.
61 I Response bytes still available
61 XX I Command successfully executed; ‘XX’ bytes of data are available and can be requested using GET RESPONSE.
62 W State of non-volatile memory unchanged
62 00 W No information given (NV-Ram not changed)
62 01 W NV-Ram not changed 1.
62 81 W Part of returned data may be corrupted
62 82 W End of file/record reached before reading Le bytes
62 83 W Selected file invalidated
62 84 W Selected file is not valid. FCI not formated according to ISO
62 85 W No input data available from a sensor on the card. No Purse Engine enslaved for R3bc
62 A2 W Wrong R-MAC
62 A4 W Card locked (during reset( ))
62 CX W Counter with value x (command dependent)
62 F1 W Wrong C-MAC
62 F3 W Internal reset
62 F5 W Default agent locked
62 F7 W Cardholder locked
62 F8 W Basement is current agent
62 F9 W CALC Key Set not unblocked
62 FX W
63 W State of non-volatile memory changed
63 00 W No information given (NV-Ram changed)
63 81 W File filled up by the last write. Loading/updating is not allowed.
63 82 W Card key not supported.
63 83 W Reader key not supported.
63 84 W Plaintext transmission not supported.
63 85 W Secured transmission not supported.
63 86 W Volatile memory is not available.
63 87 W Non-volatile memory is not available.
63 88 W Key number not valid.
63 89 W Key length is not correct.
63 C0 W Verify fail, no try left.
63 C1 W Verify fail, 1 try left.
63 C2 W Verify fail, 2 tries left.
63 C3 W Verify fail, 3 tries left.
63 CX W The counter has reached the value ‘x’ (0 = x = 15) (command dependent).
63 F1 W More data expected.
63 F2 W More data expected and proactive command pending.
63 FX W
64 E State of non-volatile memory unchanged
64 00 E No information given (NV-Ram not changed)
64 01 E Command timeout. Immediate response required by the card.
65 E State of non-volatile memory changed
65 00 E No information given
65 01 E Write error. Memory failure. There have been problems in writing or reading the EEPROM. Other hardware problems may also bring this error.
65 81 E Memory failure
65 FX E
66 S
66 00 S Error while receiving (timeout)
66 01 S Error while receiving (character parity error)
66 02 S Wrong checksum
66 03 S The current DF file without FCI
66 04 S No SF or KF under the current DF
66 69 S Incorrect Encryption/Decryption Padding
66 XX S
67 E
67 00 E Wrong length
67 XX E length incorrect (procedure)(ISO 7816-3)
68 E Functions in CLA not supported
68 00 E No information given (The request function is not supported by the card)
68 81 E Logical channel not supported
68 82 E Secure messaging not supported
68 83 E Last command of the chain expected
68 84 E Command chaining not supported
68 FX E
69 E Command not allowed
69 00 E No information given (Command not allowed)
69 01 E Command not accepted (inactive state)
69 81 E Command incompatible with file structure
69 82 E Security condition not satisfied.
69 83 E Authentication method blocked
69 84 E Referenced data reversibly blocked (invalidated)
69 85 E Conditions of use not satisfied.
69 86 E Command not allowed (no current EF)
69 87 E Expected secure messaging (SM) object missing
69 88 E Incorrect secure messaging (SM) data object
69 8D Reserved
69 96 E Data must be updated again
69 E1 E POL1 of the currently Enabled Profile prevents this action.
69 F0 E Permission Denied
69 F1 E Permission Denied – Missing Privilege
69 FX E
6A E Wrong parameter(s) P1-P2
6A 00 E No information given (Bytes P1 and/or P2 are incorrect)
6A 80 E The parameters in the data field are incorrect.
6A 81 E Function not supported
6A 82 E File not found
6A 83 E Record not found
6A 84 E There is insufficient memory space in record or file
6A 85 E Lc inconsistent with TLV structure
6A 86 E Incorrect P1 or P2 parameter.
6A 87 E Lc inconsistent with P1-P2
6A 88 E Referenced data not found
6A 89 E File already exists
6A 8A E DF name already exists.
6A F0 E Wrong parameter value
6B E
6B 00 E Wrong parameter(s) P1-P2
6B XX E Reference incorrect (procedure byte), (ISO 7816-3)
6C E Wrong length Le
6C 00 E Incorrect P3 length.
6C XX E Bad length value in Le; ‘xx’ is the correct exact Le
6D E
6D 00 E Instruction code not supported or invalid
6D XX E Instruction code not programmed or invalid (procedure byte), (ISO 7816-3)
6E E
6E 00 E Class not supported
6E XX E Instruction class not supported (procedure byte), (ISO 7816-3)
6F E Internal exception
6F 00 E Command aborted – more exact diagnosis not possible (e.g., operating system error).
6F FF E Card dead (overuse, …)
6F XX E No precise diagnosis (procedure byte), (ISO 7816-3)
90 00 I Command successfully executed (OK).
90 04 W PIN not succesfully verified, 3 or more PIN tries left
90 08 Key/file not found
90 80 W Unblock Try Counter has reached zero
91 00 OK
91 01 States.activity, States.lock Status or States.lockable has wrong value
91 02 Transaction number reached its limit
91 0C No changes
91 0E Insufficient NV-Memory to complete command
91 1C Command code not supported
91 1E CRC or MAC does not match data
91 40 Invalid key number specified
91 7E Length of command string invalid
91 9D Not allow the requested command
91 9E Value of the parameter invalid
91 A0 Requested AID not present on PICC
91 A1 Unrecoverable error within application
91 AE Authentication status does not allow the requested command
91 AF Additional data frame is expected to be sent
91 BE Out of boundary
91 C1 Unrecoverable error within PICC
91 CA Previous Command was not fully completed
91 CD PICC was disabled by an unrecoverable error
91 CE Number of Applications limited to 28
91 DE File or application already exists
91 EE Could not complete NV-write operation due to loss of power
91 F0 Specified file number does not exist
91 F1 Unrecoverable error within file
92 0x I Writing to EEPROM successful after ‘x’ attempts.
92 10 E Insufficient memory. No more storage available.
92 40 E Writing to EEPROM not successful.
93 01 Integrity error
93 02 Candidate S2 invalid
93 03 E Application is permanently locked
94 00 E No EF selected.
94 01 Candidate currency code does not match purse currency
94 02 Candidate amount too high
94 02 E Address range exceeded.
94 03 Candidate amount too low
94 04 E FID not found, record not found or comparison pattern not found.
94 05 Problems in the data field
94 06 E Required MAC unavailable
94 07 Bad currency : purse engine has no slot with R3bc currency
94 08 R3bc currency not supported in purse engine
94 08 E Selected file type does not match command.
95 80 Bad sequence
96 81 Slave not found
97 00 PIN blocked and Unblock Try Counter is 1 or 2
97 02 Main keys are blocked
97 04 PIN not succesfully verified, 3 or more PIN tries left
97 84 Base key
97 85 Limit exceeded – C-MAC key
97 86 SM error – Limit exceeded – R-MAC key
97 87 Limit exceeded – sequence counter
97 88 Limit exceeded – R-MAC length
97 89 Service not available
98 02 E No PIN defined.
98 04 E Access conditions not satisfied, authentication failed.
98 35 E ASK RANDOM or GIVE RANDOM not executed.
98 40 E PIN verification not successful.
98 50 E INCREASE or DECREASE could not be executed because a limit has been reached.
98 62 E Authentication Error, application specific (incorrect MAC)
99 00 1 PIN try left
99 04 PIN not succesfully verified, 1 PIN try left
99 85 Wrong status – Cardholder lock
99 86 E Missing privilege
99 87 PIN is not installed
99 88 Wrong status – R-MAC state
9A 00 2 PIN try left
9A 04 PIN not succesfully verified, 2 PIN try left
9A 71 Wrong parameter value – Double agent AID
9A 72 Wrong parameter value – Double agent Type
9D 05 E Incorrect certificate type
9D 07 E Incorrect session data size
9D 08 E Incorrect DIR file record size
9D 09 E Incorrect FCI record size
9D 0A E Incorrect code size
9D 10 E Insufficient memory to load application
9D 11 E Invalid AID
9D 12 E Duplicate AID
9D 13 E Application previously loaded
9D 14 E Application history list full
9D 15 E Application not open
9D 17 E Invalid offset
9D 18 E Application already loaded
9D 19 E Invalid certificate
9D 1A E Invalid signature
9D 1B E Invalid KTU
9D 1D E MSM controls not set
9D 1E E Application signature does not exist
9D 1F E KTU does not exist
9D 20 E Application not loaded
9D 21 E Invalid Open command data length
9D 30 E Check data parameter is incorrect (invalid start address)
9D 31 E Check data parameter is incorrect (invalid length)
9D 32 E Check data parameter is incorrect (illegal memory check area)
9D 40 E Invalid MSM Controls ciphertext
9D 41 E MSM controls already set
9D 42 E Set MSM Controls data length less than 2 bytes
9D 43 E Invalid MSM Controls data length
9D 44 E Excess MSM Controls ciphertext
9D 45 E Verification of MSM Controls data failed
9D 50 E Invalid MCD Issuer production ID
9D 51 E Invalid MCD Issuer ID
9D 52 E Invalid set MSM controls data date
9D 53 E Invalid MCD number
9D 54 E Reserved field error
9D 55 E Reserved field error
9D 56 E Reserved field error
9D 57 E Reserved field error
9D 60 E MAC verification failed
9D 61 E Maximum number of unblocks reached
9D 62 E Card was not blocked
9D 63 E Crypto functions not available
9D 64 E No application loaded
9E 00 PIN not installed
9E 04 PIN not succesfully verified, PIN not installed
9F 00 PIN blocked and Unblock Try Counter is 3
9F 04 PIN not succesfully verified, PIN blocked and Unblock Try Counter is 3
9F XX Command successfully executed; ‘xx’ bytes of data are available and can be requested using GET RESPONSE.
9x XX Application related status, (ISO 7816-3)